04th February 2025 21:41:06 Hours
According to the concept of the Major General WMSCK Wanasinghe RSP USP, General Officer Commanding 21 Infantry Division and Colonel of the Regiment, Mechanized Infantry Regiment, with the guidance of Brigadier AK Peiris RSP, the Centre Commandant of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment, and with the supervision of Major RAJM Ranasinghe USP psc the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Regiment, a house construction project has been initiated for S/828100 Corporal Iresh WMC. The financial support was provided by the Mechanized Infantry Regiment Centre and 3rd Mechanized Infantry Regiment, while providing labour support by the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Regiment.
It was ceremonially declared open on 3rd February 2025 with the participation of Major General WMSCK Wanasinghe RSP USP, GOC 21 Infantry Division and Colonel of the Regiment, Mechanized Infantry Regiment, Mrs Nilanthi Wanasinghe, the Chairperson of the MIR Seva Vanitha Branch, Brigadier AK Peiris RSP, The Centre Commandant of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment, Mrs Bimali Peiris, The Secretary MIR Seva Vanitha Branch-MIR, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks