Brigadier I G J P K Thilakaratne USP
Brigadier Jayantha Thilakaratne was born on 14 September 1971. As a proud product of Galewela Central School, Galewela, he became one of the strenuous students who excelled in all studies and extracurricular activities by illustrating talents and skills in various streams during his school life.
Having enlisted in the Sri Lanka Army Regular Force on 07 July 1994 as an Officer Cadet of Regular Intake 41, he underwent basic military training at Sri Lanka Military Academy. Upon the completion of his military training, he was commissioned to the Rank of Second Lieutenant on 15 June 1996 and posted to the 8th Battalion, the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment.
During his illustrious military career, Brigadier Jayantha Thilakaratne has held a number of significant command and staff appointments that are as follows:
General Staff Officer 2 – Regimental Centre VIR
Regimental Adjutant – Regimental Centre VIR
Staff Officer 2 – Abimansala
Commanding Officer – 7 VIR
Staff Officer 1 (Logistic) – Security Forces Headquarters KLN
Staff Officer 1 (Administration) - Regimental Centre VIR
General Staff Officer 1(Operation) – 62 Infantry Division
Colonel Coordinating – 62 Infantry Division
Commanding Officer – Centre of Army Vocational Training School
Colonel (General Staff) - Security Forces Headquarters East
Commander – 571 Infantry Brigade
Brigadier Jayantha Thilakaratne has rendered his much dedicative contribution as an active member in several major military and humanitarian operations conducted by the Sri Lanka Army against LTTE terrorism and is awarded with Uththamasewa Padakkama for the 30 years of unblemished Service rendered to the Sri Lanka Army.