
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

23rd January 2018 15:10:19 Hours

VIR Celebrates Sinhala Hindu New New year

The Sinhala and Tamil New Year has become an important national festival for both Sinhala Buddhists and the Tamil Hindus of Sri Lanka. It is unique because it is not celebrated in any other country as a national festival. Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment also celebrated the new year festival and special thing was this time all customs related to Sinhala Hindu new year has done according to correct Auspicious (Nakath) Times at RHQVIR premises. Centre Commandant Brig WS Ariyasinghe RSP attended the event as the chief guest. Centre Commandant addressed after the tea to all Officers and ORs who gathered at the event and motioned on behalf Col of the Regiment Maj Gen KC Gunawardana RWP USP ndu It is with great pleasure that extend best wishes to all Officers , Soldiers and their families happy, healthy and prosperous Sinhala and Tamil New Year.