
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

23rd January 2018 15:10:19 Hours


Sri Lanka Army Officers introductory Marathon Run exclusively for Regimental officers, was held on Sunday the 6th at Meepe, amidst hundreds of senior officers which is a new addition to the Army routine of sports and a novel project proposed by Lieutenant General Crishanthe De Silva, Commander of the Army. The Marathon commenced from Meepe to Panagoda in two stages: 1. 9 miles for officers in the rank of 2nd Lt to Major. 2. 4 miles for Officers in the rank of Lt.Col to Brigadier. Twenty Officers of VIR participated in this Marathon while total number of officers from 22 Regiments amounting to 520 participated in this first largest marathon conducted in Sri Lanka. Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment won the Championship from overall events and Commander of the Army Lt Gen Crishantha De Silva gave away the trophy which was received by the Centre Commandant of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Brig. W.S. Ariyasinghe. Following are the officers who won from their own Rank groups in the Marathon Run: Lieutenant Colonel KADCI Kannangara - Runner Up ( Lt Col category ) Lieutenant KSL Kithulgoda - Runners Up ( Lt Category ) 2nd Lieutenant WKN Pradeepkumara - 2nd Runners Up ( 2nd Lt Category ). The awarding ceremony in this maiden event was held same morning at the Football ground, Panagoda, headed by Lieutenant General Crishanthe De Silva, Commander of the Army, accompanied by Major General Milinda Peiris, Chief of Staff.