
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

23rd January 2018 15:10:19 Hours


The programme was organized for families of other ranks and about 500 members attended. A successful and well organized programme was carried on by the Seva Vanitha Branch of Vijayabahu infantry Regiment on 30 January 2016. Hon. President Mrs Prabodha Gunawardena and senior members of VIR Seva Vanitha Br attended this special event. Hon. President and Col of the Regiment were warmly welcomed by VIR Seva Vanitha Br Members. The Programme commenced after lighting of the traditional oil lamp by Col of the Regiment, Hon President and few members of VIR Seva Vanitha Br. Five Grade 11 students who would be sitting for the Ordinary Level Examination in 2016 received a monthly scholarship worth Rs 2500 each with a gift pack of stationary and the said sum of Rs.2500/= will be paid every month throughout the year. Stationary Items worth around Rs.3000/= each were donated to 20 school children at the same Function.The said students were nominated from families of VIR members who were wounded in Action and Death due to Non active duties in operations. Hon. President explained the yearly Plan to the members and explained the duties done by the Seva Vanitha Br. Members Representing Each Unit was given an opportunity to come forward and present their grievances on behalf of their unit and were assured that measures would be taken to resolve them. The 125 members who attended the meeting and over 125 children who accompanied them were given gift packs. The scholarships and the Gift Packs were given purely on donations from well wishers. The programme was concluded with the donation of Rs.70,000/= given by Col of the Regt for the completion of the bathroom to Cpl Siriwardana who is a non battle casualty and categorized permanently. The event successfully ended with lunch for all members and families .