
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

23rd January 2018 15:10:19 Hours


The above programme was organized for the 68 Army Civil Workers presently serving at the Regiment and their families under the patronage of the Hon. President and Col of the Regiment. A successful and well organized programme was carried on by the Seva Vanitha Branch of Vijayabahu infantry Regiment on 27 February 2016. Hon. President Mrs Prabodha Gunawardena and senior members of VIR Seva Vanitha Br attended this special event. Hon. President and Col of the Regiment were warmly welcomed by VIR Seva Vanitha Br Members. The Programme commenced with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp by Col of the Regiment, Hon President, Senior members of VIR Seva Vanitha Br, Mj.General A.Kariyakarawana, Centre Commandant,The most senior 4 civil workers, a member representing the Army Civil Workers and one family member of Civil workers. The 68 members who attended the meeting were given shirts and their wives were given sarees and over 100 children who accompanied them were given Stationary items each worth Rs.1000/=. As per the direction given by the Hon. President Mrs Prabodha Gunawardena Civil Workers, their wives and each child of the family were given gift packs in appreciation of their services rendered to the Regiment. Four Civil Workers who have served the Regiment for over 15 years were given wrist watches to mark their long standing services. A donation of Rs.135,800/= to build a bathroom was given by the coordination of Maj WASP Wiyethunga to Cpl Ruwan from 16 VIR who is a battle casualty and categorized permanently. A further donation of a set of Bathroom fittings was donated by Mrs.Piyasheeli Thalewela the mother of Mrs.Avanthi Pilapitiya, a Senior member of VIR Seva Vanitha to construct a bathroom to 2 VIR Cpl Rathnamallas’ Mother, and a sum of Rs 5000/ = was donated by Mrs Shoba Pananvala to fulfill other requirements to build the said bathroom. The programme was concluded with the donation of Rs.30,000/= given by the Seva Vanitha Branch of VIR for the completion of the building which is been constructed at the Abhimansala III Palmgolla for the benefit of the disabled soldiers.The aforesaid contribution was made by Mrs.Damayanthi Katakumbura, Mrs.Indika Wijenayaka, Mrs.Nadee Liyanage, Mrs.Thushara Aluvihare, Mrs.Nadeera Kodithuwakku, Mrs.Neelangani Samaradiwakara, Mrs.Damayanthi Bandaranayaka and Mrs.Shamika Fernando all being senior members. The event successfully concluded with lunch for all members, civil workers and their families . .