
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

23rd January 2018 15:10:21 Hours


RSMs\' WORKSHOP\r\nIn accordance with the direction and supervision of the Col of the Regt of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Maj Gen A Kariyakarawana USP ndc, a workshop for RSMs was successfully conducted for the first time of its history from 06th July 2017 to 13th July 2017 at the Regimental Centre VIR in order to enhance the knowledge on their duties and responsibilities. For this workshop 24 X WO I and 05 X WO II from 24 battalions attended. The opening address was conducted by with the Centre Comdt Brig WS Ariyasinghe RSP. 1VIR first RSM WO I SA Munaweera (retd) conducted a lecture sharing his experience on Regimental History and visiting lectures from other regiments and institutes also conducted lectures. At the end of the workshop Col of the Regt addressed the course participants and gave away certificates and took part for the dinner night organized by WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess at the Salute Multifunctional Hall.\r\nLectures covered\r\na. Regimental History\r\nb. Leadership and Man management\r\nc. Duties and Responsibilities of a RSM \r\nd. Army Ceremonials\r\ne. Dress Regulations\r\nf. Social and Mess Etiquettes \r\ng. Army Welfare System\r\nh. Military Law\r\ni. Civil Law\r\nj. ORs Promotions\r\nk. Psychiatric knowledge for happy family life\r\nl. Use of correct English Pronunciation\r\n\r\n\r\n