
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

24th August 2023 10:29:50 Hours


The Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment ceremonially welcomed its 21st Colonel of the Regiment, Major General D M K D B Pussella RWP RSP on 23 August 2023, in a brief ceremony held at the Regimental Centre Boyagane, Kurunegala in the presence of Regimental council members, Senior Officers, Commanding Officers, other officers and Regimental Sergeant Majors, all Senior Non-commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned officers, Other Ranks and civil servants.

Upon arrival, newly appointed Colonel of the Regiment was warmly welcomed by the regimental Centre Commandant at the main entrance and was awarded a guard turnout. Then Major General Deepal Pussella laid a flower wreath at the fallen hero’s monument and PWV recipient’s monument before he was accorded a ceremonial parade at the parade square.

Giving prominence to Buddhist traditions, Major General Deepal Pussella took over the duties amidst chanting of pirith. Leaving an indelible gesture at the premises Major General Deepal Pussella planted a tree sapling at the regimental centre premises, and later posed for a group photograph followed by new Colonel of the Regiment’s troop address at the gymnasium.

Major General Deepal Pussella joined the Sri Lanka Army on 20 July 1987 and attended basic military training at Sri Lanka Military Academy, Diyatalawa. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant on 23 June 1989, and was posted to the 1st Battalion the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment. Since then he has held a variety of specific command, staff and instructor appointments and presently holds the appointment as the Commandant Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Major General Deepal Pussella has participated in many major military operations including the Humanitarian Operations conducted by the Sri Lanka Army against LTTE terrorists and is awarded with Sri Lanka Army gallantry awards Rana Wickrama Padakkama and Ranasura Padakkama for the valor and conspicuous bravery of a military nature in the battlefield.