
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

03rd March 2019 15:47:39 Hours


With Major General A Kariyakarawana VSV USP ndc, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army and Colonel of the Regiment of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment gracing as the Chief Guest, the Regimental Headquarters of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment paid tribute to the memory of their fallen War Heroes at its Boyagane Headquarters on 03.03.2019, giving pride of place to next of kin and children of VIR War Heroes, either killed in action or gone missing.

Paid symbolic floral tributes to the VIR memorial in the premises and transferred merits to 132 officers and 2868 other rankers who made the supreme sacrifice while defending the country’s territorial integrity.

Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana, followed by Major General DMDCD Gunawardana RSP USP ndu psc, Centre Commandant and other senior officers, placed floral wreaths and paid their tribute to those fallen martyrs as next of kin and children of the departed afterwards placed wreaths and lit lamps in their memory, bursting into tears. Other VIR Senior Officers, officers and others followed suit.

The Colonel of the Regiment Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana in his brief address to the occasion, recalled the supreme sacrifices made by VIR War Heroes.

The Colonel of the Regiment also shared a couple of views with the family members of the War Heroes present. In particular, the Commander interacted with the parents of the War Heroes, during the session conducted to solve their matters arose and inquired into their well-being.

Major General J. Nammuni (Retd): the Creator of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment and a large gathering of officers were also present at the occasion.