
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

02nd March 2024 17:41:06 Hours


The Colonel of the Regiment of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, Major General Rohitha Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc, made his maiden visit to the Battalions of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment deployed under Security Forces (Wanni) and Security Forces (Jaffna) areas on 24 and 25 February 2024 respectively.

Following military traditions and formalities, the Colonel of the Regiment of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment was offered a red carpet welcome by the troops of 4 VIR, 7 VIR, 8 VIR, 11 VIR, 22 VIR and 10 (V) VIR. Later, addressing the troops of respective battalions, the Colonel of the Regiment extended his heartfelt gratitude to the Commanding Officers, Officers, and troops of the battalions by admiring their achievements and accomplishments as proud members of the Archers family.

Further, Major General Rohitha Aluvihare, in his noteworthy speech, highlighted the responsibility and obligation of all officers and Other Ranks to refrain from unlawful practices and to maintain a high standard of discipline in order to safeguard the reputation of the Regiment as well as the Army.

Finally, marking this battalion visits, the Colonel of the Regiment of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, Major General Rohitha Aluvihare exchanged plaques with Commanding Officers commending their immense support rendered to the Regiment.

The Centre Commandant of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, several senior officers and officers of the regimental staff also took part in the visit.