26th January 2023 00:18:47 Hours
The Colonel of the Regiment of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, Major General Nishantha Manage made a formal visit to VIR battalions deployed under Security Forces (Jaffna) and Security Forces (Mullaitivu) areas on 24 and 25 of January 2023. During the 2 days of visit, he addressed the troops belonging to 12 (V) VIR and 3 (V) VIR on 24 January and 25 January 2023 respectively.
The aim of this visit was to deliver his vision to the Vijayabahu troops as the Colonel of the Regiment and to evaluate the matters pertaining to the administrative aspects, operational needs, welfare measures and logistic requirements at respective battalions. During this visit, the Colonel of the Regiment was warmly welcomed at the entrance by the respective battalion troops, followed by planting of a tree sapling in accordance with the military traditions.
Subsequently a briefing was conducted by the Commanding Officers of the respective battalions regarding present duties and responsibilities entrusted to the battalions.
During the troop address, the Colonel of the Regiment first commemorated all fallen war heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the motherland. Then he praised all the achievements and accomplishments which have been gained by the battalions as proud members of the Archers family.
Furthermore he educated troops regarding the Army Commanders’ vision and requested all the officers and Other Ranks to refrain from wrong practices and to maintain the discipline in order to secure the reputation of the Regiment as well as the Army. Days’ proceedings were concluded with the signing of the Visitors’ book.
The Centre Commandant of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Brigadier Prabath Kodithuwakku, several senior officers and officers of the regimental staff also took part in the visit.