
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment

Nothing is beyond endurance for the one who excels

20th August 2023 12:51:03 Hours


Invigorating an age-old military tradition, the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment hosted a farewell ceremony in honour of the retiring 20th Colonel of the Regiment of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, Major General S U M N Manage WWV RWP RSP psc at the Regimental Centre, Boyagane, Kurunegala, in which his 36 years of distinguished service was hailed and awarded accolades on 18 August 2023.

Upon the arrival of the retiring Colonel of the Regiment, the Centre Commandant of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment warmly received the day's protagonist and a subsequent Guard Turnout at the entrance greeted him in accordance with military formalities. The next moment on the itinerary was solemn and dignified since memories would never die, as they say, giving pride of place to the memory of all fallen Vijayabahu War Heroes, Colonel of the Regiment, laying the floral wreaths at the War Heroes Monument and PWV Monument paid his tribute in a charming ceremony.

As stage was set for the day’s highlight, next as the Parade Commander in his colourful attire reported the parade to the Colonel of the Regiment in accordance with military traditions. The ceremonial Guard of Honour with Regimental colours, accorded to the Colonel of the Regiment. Adding memories to the day, the Colonel of the Regiment was invited to pose for a group photograph with all officers at the regimental parade ground. Whilst addressing the troops at the regimental gymnasium, he paid his special tribute to Former Colonels of the Regiment and Ex-Archers members for their invaluable service that made for the VIR one of the most elegant regiments in Sri Lanka Army at present and further he extended his sincere gratitude to all members of the Regimental Centre.

After a while, the retiring Colonel of the Regiment did not forget to join with all ranks tea to have interaction with all troops arranged at Men`s Club. Having declared open the newly erected Swimming Pool Pavilion by Major General Nishnatha Manage which had been a long felt requirement for the Regimental centre, he was honoured by a special tea arranged at WOs` & Sgts `Mess.

Thereafter, the Colonel of the Regiment, Major General Nishnatha Manage placed his signature in a formal document in his office, symbolizing the relinquishment of duties and handing over the VIR legacy to his successor and next Archers` Chief, Major General DMKDB Pussella RWP RSP, the Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force and later, retiring Colonel of the Regiment was formally blessed with the traditional street lining prior to his departure.

Summing up the series of events, the regiment hosted a Farewell Dinner Night to mark the retirement of Major General Nishnatha Manage along with his spouse, Madam Kumudu Manage at “The Salute” multifunctional hall in the same evening.

Members of the Regimental Council and several senior officers including other officers, along with their spouses, attended the farewell dinner which reached its climax with the presentation of mementos to the day's protagonists in appreciation of the service rendered to the Regiment and the Army as a whole. As a custom, a specially designed token of appreciation was also presented to the outgoing President of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch, Madam Kumudu Manage.

All Officers and Other Ranks of the Regiment extended their heartfelt gratitude to distinguished outgoing Archers` Chief for his commitment and dedication to the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment and wished him a healthy, wealthy, peaceful and prosperous retired life