
Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Swift & Bold

Headquater Battalion of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel HR Wickramasinghe USP at the time of being the Commanding Officer of the HQ Bn on 27th November 2004 initiated the 'Sinha DiriyaPiyasa'. It provides training both in-house and at outside training institutes to those injured but able to physically be engaged in activity that involves various trade skills. Once trained, they are employed at the 'Sinha DiriyaPiyasa' where they manufacture various products that are then sold at the sales centre. The profit earned is utilized by the Sinha SevaVanitha Unit. Presently the 'Sinha DiriyaPiyasa' involves in the following projects.


Ranaviru Dairy Project & Ranaviru Bakery Project


Ranaviru Herbal Plant Project & Ranaviru Xylograph Project


Ranaviru Dairy Project & Ranaviru Bakery Project


Ranaviru Tailoring Project & Ranaviru Trishaw Project


Ranaviru Cement Block Manufacturing Project & Ranaviru Leather Products Manufacturing Project


Ranaviru Ornamental Ware Manufacturing Project & RanaviruCoir Broom and Coir Besom Manufacturing Project


Ranaviru Agricultural Farm Project & Ranaviru Nursery Plant Project

Past Appoinment Holders