
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

28th June 2024 13:02:41 Hours


Major General W P A D W Nanayakkara RSP VSV USP ndu assumed duties as the 56th successor in the office of the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on 26 June 2024 at the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force amidst formal military formalities that were accomplished.

On arrival at the camp premises, the newly appointed Commandant was received by Major General WGP Sisira Kumara RSP - Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force accompanied by the Principal Staff Officer, Brigadier Administration, Commanding Officer - Headquarters Battalion of the Volunteer Force.

Ritualistic events that were scheduled for the acceptance of duties and responsibilities in the office of the Commandant were unfolded, and accordingly, a Guard Turnout was accorded by receiving the Commandant compliance with the norms and customs of the Sri Lanka Army. The newly appointed Commandant paid his tribute by laying a wreath on the memorial of late Captain Saliya Aladeniya PWV in the gesture of cherished memories of fallen war heroes who sacrificed their innumerable lives to safeguard the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.

Afterward, a spectacular military Guard of Honour was reviewed for the ceremonial welcome of the Commandant by the troops of Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment at the parade ground.

Major General Dinesh Nanayakkara attended the official formalities of taking over duties on his new appointment at the auspicious time amidst chanting of Seth Pirith by Maha Sanga and blessings of all religious rites and rituals. In line with the itinerary of the day, the senior officer planted a sapling on the camp premises for the memory of the day of assuming duties.

Paying his salutation and honour for the Volunteer Force: the oldest military establishment in the Sri Lanka Army originated in 1881, the Commandant made his maiden address to the troops spelling out the significance of revitalizing the spirit of volunteering that is ever saluted and honoured by this nation. The senior officer recalled the distinguished assignments executed by the Volunteer Force in eradicating terrorism from this soil as well as during the post-war era and other remarkable contributions made voluntarily by the members of the Volunteer Force with utmost respect. Further, the senior officer painstakingly emphasized on the conduct of a serving member who is mannered with loyalty and moralities that are to be well adhered.

The Commandant marked his conclusion of the first note passing an inspirational motive for the future assignment of obligations at every circumstance.

A gathering of Brigadier Coordinating Officers, Colonel Coordinating Officers, Liaison Officers, Commanding Officers, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks who represented respective military establishments attended the occasion, and extended their best compliments upon the career ascension of the new descendant in the office of the Commandant in the Volunteer Force of the Sri Lanka Army.