
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

07th April 2024 08:52:00 Hours


The Financial Aid Scholarship Programme - 2024, which is organized annually by the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (SLAVF) took place on the 3 April 2024 at the Headquarters – SLAVF with the gracious presence of Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army together with Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, the President of Army Seva Vanitha Unit as the chief guest. The ceremony was orchestrated to provide the financial contribution for the beloved sons and daughters of the heroic warriors of SLAVF, who have overcome the educational hurdles in their academic pathways.

This programme has been implemented continuously since 2010 to grant the financial assistance to support the education of the offspring of members who are active and operational as well as service-related and deceased members of the Volunteer Force and its civil servants.

Also, as a tribute to their heroic parents who died for the nation, as a tribute to the war heroes who are in service and to instill pride upon their heroic parents; this ceremony unveiled its main objective in order to honorably value the service rendered by those serving members.

Since 2010 this programme has granted 15,664 of grade 5 scholarship best results achievers, 2,881 of GCE O/L 9A’s achievers and 340 of University Grantees amounting almost Rs. 87 million among 18,885 children in terms of full scholarships. This is the 11th successive donation programme which was conducted with the overall supervision of Major General Thusitha Silva KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the SLAVF.

The SLAVF troops greeted the arriving chief guest in a Drive Pass and Major General M.K. Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu, the Commandant of SLAVF along with the Deputy Commandant warmly welcomed him to the premises.

The event started with the lighting of a traditional oil lamp and observing one-minute silence in honour of fallen War Heroes. A short documentary about SLAVF was also screened. Commencing the event, the Commandant of SLAVF delivered the welcome note and the proceedings of the ceremony featured with cultural events adding a glamorous touch to the ceremony as well as adorning the pride and honour of the Volunteer Force.

This year the programme planned to offer scholarships and cash incentives for 150 school children including 25 students who excelled in the GCE A/L and obtained University Entrance with Rs. 50,000.00 each, 63 students who achieved 9A’s in GCE O/L with Rs. 25,000.00 each and 112 students who scored highest marks in Grade 5 Scholarship Examination with Rs. 10,000.00 each.

During the event, 50 children symbolically received cash incentives including 25 students as GCE O/L achivers and 25 students as GCE A/L achievers in 2021 by Mrs. Shammi Jayawardena, the President of the Seva Vanitha Branch of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers, MsJanaki Liyanage, the Chairperson of the Sri Lanka Army Sewa Vanitha Unit and also by the Commandant of SLAVF and by the Commander of the Army respectively. The remaining amounts were simultaneously distributed among other children through the Commanding Officers of the respective Volunteer Battalions.

Expressing the gratitude, the vote of thanks was delivered by a student representative. The Deputy Commandant of SLAVF addressing the gathering appreciated the educational feats of the students while emphasizing the true value and the requirement of achieving higher academics. Further, the Senior Officer emphasized that the children who are schooling of the fallen and serving members of the Volunteer Force including the civil staff are entitled to receive financial grants and the SLAVF willingly provides hands in up gradating their educational needs.

In his address, the Commander recalled the rich history of SLAVF, highlighting the legacy of his own father’s involvement in the British Army. He encouraged the children to pursue their educational activities with dedication and wished them success in their future endeavours. The gathering also had the opportunity to listen to a specially designed song for SLAVF.

Before reaching the culmination of the day’s itinerary, the Commander left complimentary remarks in the visitors' book. Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and parents of the students were also present at the occasion. The entire educational awards were funded by the dividends generated by “Virusaviya” Insurance Scheme which is functioned by the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force and the Sri Lanka Insurance.