
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

06th December 2023 14:10:27 Hours


Setting a brainstorming platform to widen the horizon of military Officers who belong to the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, a year’s last intellectual session, ‘Diners’ Club’ was conducted under the auspices of Major General U D Wijesekera RWP RSP USP rcds psc, the Commandant, Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force and the close supervision of Major General Thusitha Silva KSP, the Deputy Commandant , SLAVF in the evening hours at Rendevous Pavilion at HQ SLAVF on 4 December 2023.

In commencing the first segment of the event agenda, the Guest Speaker Professor Mohomed Mahees was warmly welcomed by the Commandant and the Deputy Commandant of SLAVF on the arrival. Afterwards, during the pre-interaction session, Brigadier W G P Sisira Kumara RSP, the Inspector of Training of SLAVF delivered introductory remarks of the guest lecturer to the audience who was awaiting the Guest Speaker’s words of wisdom.

The Guest Lecturer, Professor Mohamed Mahees who serves at Department of Sociology, University of Colombo and he has been engaged in lecturing ,publishing and other academic writings in trilingual since 2000. He has published number of research papers locally and internationally in the field of environmental sociology, water resources management, political ecology, development politics, human wildlife conflicts, social harmony, volunteerism, and students’ counseling.

Afterwards, Professor Mohomed Mahees enlightened a representative gathering of Army Officers on the thematic topic “Life Challenges and Balance Personality” that broadened the horizons of knowledge of Army Officers. He outlined the way of balancing personality amidst numerous life challenges such as personal issues and contemporary challenges of the country.

Following the lecture, the attendees had the opportunity of interacting with the Guest Speaker by way of questions and clarifications during the question and answer session.

Subsequently, a vote of thanks raised by Colonel T S B R Fernando Colonel Training SLAVF and it set for an occasion to express audience gratitude to the Guest Speaker by awarding a memento amidst military applause.

The Diners’ Club was attended by all the Senior Officers, presently serving at SLAVF and invited Officers who belong to Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.