
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

04th November 2023 11:07:52 Hours


National Guards commemorated its 33 rd anniversary with the patronage of Lieutenant General H L V M Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army and Colonel of the Regiment of the Sri Lanka National Guard on 01November 2023 at the Regimental Centre Sri Lanka National Guard.

The Regimental Headquarters (Regimental Centre) took its roots on 01 November 1990 bringing a strong sense of belongingness to the family of the “National Guards”. The anniversary takes the reminiscences of loyalty, dedication and commitment of its members to the defence of the nation. The Sri Lank National Guard immensely contributed in providing security and protecting the captured areas from falling back to the hands of the enemy shouldering innumerable exertions assigned on the nation and the country.

The dawn of 33 rd anniversary is a significant juncture where strengths of manpower assisted in holding the essential services, law and order, internal security to bring back normalcy and achievements, are celebrated while determining impotence to be addressed during the days ahead.

The Colonel of the Regiment graced the occasion as the chief guest and the senior officer was warmly received by Brigadier HA Keerthinatha RSP KSP psc, the Centre Commandant for the regimental day ceremony. A Guard Turnout and a ceremonial Guard of Honour were accorded to the chief guest in honour of his arrival to the occasion at the Parade Square of the Regimental Centre Sri Lanka National Guard.The day was marked significantly in the annals of the nations’ guards with major opening ceremonies of the Parade Square and the Sports Complex which derive probable benefits for its serving members. Attractive Karate and Judo displays were presented by the champions of Army Inter Regimental Karate and Judo in the year 2023 adding glamour and spell of the soldering to the occasion following the opening ceremony.

The undertakings which are extremely precise in nature are being accomplished at every circumstance considering them as the prime duty of national guards fascinating the entire nation. All its forerunners and successor deserve the salutation of the nation for bringing a spirited corps gathe red under the motto ‘Country before Self enabling myriad of challenges and operational preparedness since its birth until the culmination of the humanitarian operations while highly engaging in post war obligations.

In the present context, it is praiseworthy to mention of professional standards and incorporation in functional and administrative domains towards achieving the desired goals as the guards of this motherland who pledged over establishment obligations.