
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

23rd March 2023 10:02:12 Hours


In strengthening and encouraging awaiting expeditions in academic, the best achievers of deserving offspring of volunteer employees from the GCE A/L examinations were awarded financial grants during a ceremony, held on 23 March 2023 at the Multi-Functional Hall, Headquarters, Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (HQ SLAVF). The ceremony was graced by Major General Sanjaya Wanasinghe RSP VSV USP ndu, the Commandant of the SLAVF as the Chief Guest.

The ceremony of awarding financial grants has been an annual feature of the Volunteer Force, and the tenth successive such welfare donation was conducted with the overall supervision of Major General Thusitha Silva KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the SLAVF. The entire cost of the grants was made through the members of the Volunteer Force and dividends generated from the investments made under ‘Viru Saviya’ welfare scheme with the collaboration of Sri Lanka Insurance.

A large gathering including senior officers and officers of the Sri Lanka Army, Mr Aloka Jyawardhana - the Chief Executive Officer of Information Technology, Mr Ravi Medis - the Senior Manager, Mr. Romendra Fernando – the Assistant Manager (the Chief Accountant) of the Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation, invitees and parents of the beneficiaries joined the occasion to witness the symbolic award of financial grants to the children at the Headquarters.

The welcome remarks were delivered by Brigadier M DBMS Jayamanne - Brigadier Administration of the SLAVF, and the proceedings of the ceremony featured with cultural events were unfolded adding a glamorous touch to the event, and adorning the pride and honour of the Volunteer Force.

Inaugurating the donation programme, 46 students who were qualified for the university education at the GCE A/L Examination in the years 2019 and 2020 received their financial grants worth of three million (3 million) by the Commandant and the respective guests of honours.

Addressing the gathering, the Commandant extended his good grace for the organizing committee in accomplishing the programme of financial grants in the year, while congratulating the recipients of grants for their prospective academic success. Especially, the Commandant appreciated all their achievements and wished them for future endeavours. The thanking note was delivered by Colonel Sampath Banadara - Colonel Welfare HQ SLAVF and marked the successful conclusion of awarding of “Virudaru Pranama Scholarship Ceremony - 2023”.

Reaching the culmination of the day’s itinerary, all the attendees had a cordial interaction with the Commandant and other distinguish gathering during a tea ritual offered.