
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

18th November 2022 15:10:20 Hours


Original recreation oil paintings of distinctive milestones of the great legacy of volunteering on canvas were unveiled at the Headquarters Complex of the Volunteer Force on 18 November 2022 on the concept of Major General D G S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

The Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force deserves the salutation of the nation for being unwavering pillar of strength and defender committing its assigned obligations all the time. Periodically, volunteering as an indispensable combat force was greatly embraced by the nation due to its integration at every juncture of necessities where the sovereignty of the country in menace. Such a glimpse of path of the Volunteer Force is abundant insignificant episodeshitherto which scaffold weighing and proud annals. In depicting such remarkable eventualities, specific artworks have been illustrated in the Headquarters complex showcasing glamour and dignity of the Volunteer Force.

The artwork of Lieutenant Colonel John Scott Armitage, the first Commanding Officer of the Ceylon Volunteers was unveiled by Major General A M B Amunugama (Retd) KSP, who held the office of the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force as the 21 st successor, via zoom at the invitation of the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force. The drawing has been displayed at the office of the Commandant of the Volunteer Force. Simultaneously, the artwork which depicts the occasion of Queen's Colours presented to the 2 (Volunteer) Ceylon Light Infantry in 1954 was unveiled by the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.The portray of Lt Col T G Jayawardene, the then Commanding Officer was unveiled by Major General Thusitha Silva KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force. The drawings have been placed at the lobby of the office of the Commandant of the Volunteer Force and the entrance to the third floor of the Headquarters complex respectively. Each portray arouses glances of onlookers who pass by, a dignified history of the prestigious Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force dated back to 142 years of legendry oscillated among extremes of endeavours which has driven to its stability of success.

The portrays sketched with utmost care preserving its historical value as similar to its then images that would last for generations leaving a proud expedition on its way to years beyond.

The artworks were formed by Senior Lecturer JA Suneth Priya Aravindana of the Department of Paintings, University of the Visual and Performing Arts.