
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

17th August 2022 13:32:22 Hours


In line with the routine training day programme at the Headquarters premises, an awareness programme on financial management through disciplinary was conducted on the concept of Major General D G S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on 10 August 2022 at the Multi-Functional Hall.

The Hatton National Bank, one of the reputed financial institutes of the country contributed in human resources for bringing out the day’s consequence. The programme was conducted by a group of delegates represented the main branch of the Hatton National Bank and the lecture was conducted by Mr Priyakara Jayaratna, Senior Manager, Hatton National Bank.

The financial literacy in managing wages mingled with disciplinary was the subjected theme and underlined on adapting the current challenges by financial managing during this crucial period where the entire country submerged in agony caused by institutional collapses of the country.

Further, the programme took its horizons on cost management and other possible investments that can heighten the monthly income so that facing the prevailing challenges in the present context.

Especially, new technological advancements benefited the financial management were outlined during the session widening the knowledge of the participants for the new usage of banking.

A gathering of Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks of the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force attended the session.