
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

29th June 2022 12:18:52 Hours


Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force organized a thematic seminar, under the guidance of Major General D G S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Commandant, Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on “Challenges and opportunities faced by the Sri Lanka Army on sustaining, maintaining and managing of resources and services in the Army under the prevailing economic crisis” got underway at its Multi Functional Hall today (28 June) with the participation of military gatherings in physically and via Zoom technology.

The day consisted of two main sessions and a discussion. The first session of the day was conducted by Brigadier J A R S K Jayasekara USP psc, Director, Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers who shared his knowledge and experiences on present and future economic challenges in the country, crisis management, how to change attitudes of Army personnel over the crisis, Logisticians’ responsibility during the crisis and how to achieve plans by SWOT analysis.

While delivering the second session of the seminar, Brigadier S N A J Ariyasena, Brigadier Logistics and Colonel D A Sirimannage, Colonel Administration at Logistics Command educated the military gatherings on the thematic topic and the procedure of purchasing items through board of officers.

Finally, Brigadier J A R S K Jayasekara USP psc, Director, Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers chaired the discussion on procurement procedure. Afterwards, Brigadier S N A J Ariyasena, Brigadier Logistics and Colonel D A Sirimannage, Colonel Administrative at Logistics Command respectively resolved the questions raised by the gathering on the topic.