
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

22nd June 2022 14:04:16 Hours


The Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force is located in a proximity of 50 acres of locality which is a wetland, priceless remuneration gifted by the nature.

In view of restoration of the eco-system of the Volunteer Force and its battalions and transforming the entire establishment into a green brigade, the Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force took initiatives for implementing the green concept , and organized the maiden lecture with the participation of human resources under the directions of Major General D G S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on 21 July 2022 at the Private Mess of the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force.

The lectures were conducted by the renowned environmentalists Prof. P. Nihal Dayawansa, Mr. Jagath Gunawardana and Mr. Channa Ekanayake .

Mr. Jagath Gunawardana is a lawyer by profession, environmentalist and educator and is known for his advocacy in wildlife conservation and environmental protection. Delivering the inaugural lecture, he brought out the environmental law constituted in safeguarding the environment of Sri Lanka. The lecture basically emphasized on behavioural changes of people and revealed on the way forward which directs every member to a participative environmental protection.

In the wake of the first address, the lecture on “Ecological Restoration” was made by Prof. P. Nihal Dayawansa. The inspirational beginning was marked in retrospect of his previous experiments in the field and elaborated on environmental issues focusing on restoration of ecosystem. Especially, the lecturer enlightened the audience with respect to the hidden dimensions of the environment that are far behind humans’ perception. He marked his words on environmental literacy for a remarkable change while explaining the significance on contributing in preserving the bio diversity. Predicting the climax of the session, the approaches that direct for the restoration of the environment long term in the camp premises were spelt out introducing the “Seven Lessons of Nature”.

The evening session scheduled for the field visit, and Mr. Channa Ekanayake guided in providing knowledge and experience by stimulating their willingness and integration towards the environment. The working force of Engineers Services Regiment of the Headquarters and the environmental lovers which were the target groups of the programme attended the session.

As well, the entire volunteer battalions were acquainted with the programme via zoom communications by the Commandant.

Major General W M D S K Gunawardhane RSP KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, Senior Officers, Officers attended the session.