
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

08th June 2022 12:04:49 Hours


Following a remarkable tenure in the Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, three senior officers, Brigadier A C A De Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc (Brigadier Logistics), Brigadier JMTNB Karunathilaka (Colonel Administration), and Colonel G A M Wickramasinghe (Staff Officer 1 - Career Progression & Promotion, Junior Officers) bade adieu marking an indelible period in the history of the Volunteer Force.

In honour of the commendable service, the outgoing senior officers were hosted in conferring a farewell dinner at the Officers’ Mess of the Headquarters on 06 June 2022. Major General C D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force graced the occasion in paying his gratitude for them and also senior officers who were nominated attended the occasion.

Brigadier M D B M S Jayamanne, Brigadier Administration of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force delivered the farewell speech appreciating their service to the establishment. Further, he stressed out that they all deserve the honour and the salutation of the Volunteer Force for their contribution and loyalty on behalf of the upgradation the standard of this prestigious establishment.

The Commandant who accompanied by Major General Shean Gunawardhane, the Deputy Commandant of the Volunteer Force, awarded them mementos as a token of goodwill.

The distinguished gathering extended the outgoing senior officers best compliments for their new assignments of duties on behalf of all the staff of the Volunteer Force.