
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

10th December 2021 11:31:47 Hours


Major General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the 47th Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force relinquished his appointment as Commandant SLAVF in a simple ceremony on 08 December 2021 in order to take up his new responsibilities as the Chief of Staff, one of the most prestigious appointments in the Sri Lanka Army.

A series of formalities observed in connection with the relinquishment of the appointment, commenced with the reviewing of Guard Turn Out accorded to the outgoing Commandant on his arrival to the venue. He was received by Brigadier S N Samarawickrama KSP, Inspector of Training of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Addressing the troops, the outgoing Commandant thanked the Deputy Commandant Major General Christy Jayasinghe KSV KSP and the staff for the farewell arrangements made in a short time on his behalf.  He was grateful to all ranks and civil servants for the support extended during his tenure.

In line with the relinquishment formalities, the newly constructed HeadquartersBattalion Office building which is an extension to the new Volunteer Force Headquarters complex, was declared open by the Commandant SLAVF at the auspicious time.

The Senior Officer did not forget to have an exchange of a few words with the Officers and Other Ranks while having a cup of tea with them after which he was invitedto posefor a photograph with the staff officers of the HQ SLAVF.

The day’s proceedings reached the culmination with the customary Farewell Dinner hosted to the outgoing Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Forceat the Officers' Mess of Headquarters Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on the same day.

The Chief Guest and the Lady were warmly welcomedat the premises by the Deputy Commandant and his Lady. The evening was coloured by the attendance of Senior Officers and other Officers with whom the Chief Guest shared a cheerful moment.

Having had the accustomed dinner, Major General Christy Jayasinghe with a gesture of profound appreciation, recollected the distinguished services rendered by the outgoing Commandant to the Volunteer Force.

Afterwards, it arose a felicitous moment of presenting the souvenirs.  A special gift as a gesture of goodwill was presented to the spouse of the Chief Guest Mrs Janaki Jayaratne by Mrs Devayani Kalinga during the presentation.  In keeping with the traditions, the Deputy Commandant of the Volunteer Force presented the souvenirs to the Chief Guest in appreciation of his services to the Volunteer Force.

The Chief Guest delivering the farewell speech unfolded his profound sense of feelings and gratitude to the Deputy Commandant and all members for the good gesture extended to him during the period he served as the Commandant.

Eventually, Major General Vikum Liyanage placed his signature on the Visitors’ Book leaving an inspiring and indelible chapter as Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.