
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

04th October 2021 19:01:19 Hours


Major General S S Waduge RWP RSP USP ndu psc, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force bade farewell to the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, preceding to retirement having rendered 35 years of exemplary and distinguished service to the motherland on 04 October 2021.

A series of formalities observed in connection with the relinquishment of the appointment commenced with the reviewing of the Guard Turn Out accorded to the outgoing Commandant on arrival to the venue. He was received by Brigadier SN Samarawickrama KSP, the Inspector of Training – Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force. The Senior Officer was accorded an elegant Guard of Honour by the troops of Sri Lanka National Guard.

Addressing the troops, the outgoing Commandant extended his sincerity to all the Officers and Other Ranks for the generous assistance and co-operation extended during his tenure. In appreciation of his service to the Volunteer Force, he was honoured with mementoes.

Signifying the departure from the Headquarters, the Commandant declared open ‘Gajanindu Arana’ which recently affiliated to the new camp premises witnessing the ongoing high-profile constructions in the new camp premises.

The proceedings upon the relinquishment of the office as the Commandant reached the culmination with the departure of Major General Sena Waduge amidst good-bye cheers of the Officers and Other Ranks who street lined on both sides of the road leading to the Main Gate.

The programme of the day was underway following the health directives which have been issued for COVID -19 pandemic of the country.