
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

26th January 2021 13:03:12 Hours


Major General J M U D Jayasinghe made a formal visit to the Sri Lanka Rifle Corps upon his assumption of duties as Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on 23rd January 2020.

On his arrival to the camp premises, the Commanding Officer SLRC accorded Major General J M U D Jayasinghe a very warm reception and the SLRC troops accorded a Guard Turnout in conformity with military traditions and formalities.

During the visit, Commandant SLAVF examined the overall structure in the camp premises and required directives were made for the difficulties confronted by the units. He further instructed to upgrade the communal facilities of officers and soldiers.

In his address, he exclaimed of the new expansion of the SLRC and manifested on how this new establishment would attribute for the organizational enhancement while providing innumerable benefits for the every member in the Sri Lanka Army. As such, the organization would be gifted with additional strength and empowerment which is considered as a major requirement to the contemporary society. Besides, he emphasized on being compliance with the Volunteer Force Regulations which leads to a profound and successful destination of the military career. Moreover, Commandant specified on how a soldier disciplined by the military would establish an influential exemplification in the society and his accountability for safeguarding the pride and the dignity of the Sri Lanka Army on any phenomenon.

Furthermore, he extended his views with much enthusiasm on the role and the responsibility disseminated by the Sri Lanka Army during the COVID 19 pandemic situation while ensuring the national security.

Principal Staff Officer of the SLAVF, Brigadier S R B Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc, Inspector of Training of the SLAVF, Brigadier S N Samarawickrama KSP along with Senior Colonel Coordinating Officers, Colonel Coordinating Officers and all ranks of respective battalions participated in the occasion.