
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

26th January 2021 12:35:54 Hours


Major General J M U D Jayasinghe made a formal visit to the Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps (SLAPC ) on 21st January 2021 upon his assumption of duties as the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Marking a memorable moment in the legendry of prestigious the SLAPC paved an honourary reception to Commandant on his arrival to the camp premises by the Commanding Officer, and the SLAPC troops accorded a Guard Turnout in conformity with military traditions and formalities.

Commandant, being much enthusiasm conveyed his message in his inaugural troops address with the glimpse of path to a new expansion of the SLAPC.

In retrospect the aligned role and task of the SLAPC, which have been assimilated for the upliftment of the motherland, Commandant praiseworthily recalled its essential services during the time of natural disasters, disturbances as well as in an emergency to maintain the law and order and support other arms in operational areas.

The proclamation of the new expansion of the SLAPC that intensifies the structural development of the Pioneer Corps and urges a profound affiliation of the organization was exclaimed by Commandant in his address. Accordingly, the 2nd SLAPC will be structured in the month of February maximizing the strengths and efficiency of the Pioneer Corps while empowering the feasibility of the organization. Besides, he emphasized on the significance of commitment and loyalty towards the mother unit and the organization as a member who was moulded under prestigious Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Further, he made a note of appraisal of accountability of a soldier in the society in the face of this COVID 19 pandemic and strengthening the responsibility for a healthier life being an exemplification to the entire country.

Moreover, being a soldier or an officer with well equipped in knowledge or in respective fields where they engage is a matter that affects the future of the organization.

As such, Commandant concluded his remarkable speech with a touch of sensibility which oriented to a novel direction and extended his good gracious upon the future alignment of the Pioneer Corps and assured the compliance of the Headquarters, SLAVF.

Principal Staff Officer of the SLAVF, Brigadier S R B Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc, Inspector of Training of the SLAVF, Brigadier S N Samarawickrama KSP along with Senior Colonel Coordinating Officers, Colonel Coordinating Officers and all ranks of respective battalions participated in the occasion.