
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

12th August 2020 12:29:53 Hours

17 (V) SLLI & 20 (V) VIR Troops Clean & Disinfect Kilinochchi Schools

65 Division troops on the instructions of Major General D.M.H.D Bandara, General Officer Commanding, 65 Division continued their community projects by conducting ‘Dengue’ eradication work and disinfection of schools in Kilinochchi areas during past few days (4 – 6 July).

17 (Volunteer) Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI) troops of the 653 Brigade on Saturday (4) cleaned up Yogapuram school premises in Kilinochchi while searching for Dengue breeding spots and other polluted areas. 17 Army personnel including 2 Officers under the supervision of the 653 Brigade Commander carried out the project. Several parents and teachers also joined the programme.

Meanwhile, 20 (Volunteer) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment (VIR) troops conducted a thorough disinfection programme at Kilinochchi Anavilandankulam Government’s Tamil Mixed School premises against the spread of COVID-19 epidemic before schools are re-opened.

652 Brigade Commander closely supervised the project, supported by a section of civilians in the area.