
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

10th October 2022 07:04:53 Hours


The 73rd Army Day celebrations at the Headquarters premises were accomplished under the auspices of Major General D G S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on 10 October 2022.

The ceremony on the Army Anniversary Day got underway under the supervision of Major General Thusitha Silva KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force and a large gathering of members participated in the event.

The flags of the Sri Lanka Army and Sri Lanka Volunteer Force were hoisted by Brigadier P N Godellawatta USP psc, the Principal Staff Officer and Brigadier S A N J Ariyasena, Brigadier Logistics of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force today morning at the Headquarters premises followed by the Army Song being recited. A two- minute silence was then observed in remembrance of the fallen war heroes. The message of the Commander of the Army, issued on account of the 73rd Army Day which denotes the significance of the day was read by Lieutenant Colonel MGD Mahesh Kumara, Staff Officer 1 (General). It was followed by a programme of planting of saplings in the camp premises.

In the wake of scheduled events, All Ranks lunch was attended by the Commandant, Deputy Commandant, Senior Officers and Officers of the Volunteer Force.

Coincide with the 73rd Army Day celebrations, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces on the recommendation of the Ministry of Defence and Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army, has promoted a total of 93 Officers and a record 2769 Other Ranks of the Volunteer Force to their respective next ranks.

As the final segment of the day, the Officers who serve at the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force elevated to the ranks of Major and Captain had the opportunity of receiving their symbol of authority from the Commandant of the Volunteer Force.

The Volunteer Force of the Sri Lanka Army extended its salutation for the newly promoted Officers and Other Ranks for their future achievements on this organization behalf.