
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

15th June 2022 16:42:51 Hours


Major General C D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu, the 48th Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force handed over his duties and responsibilities in the office of Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force in a simple ceremony on 13 June 2022 in order to take up his new appointment as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army.

A series of formalities observed in connection with the relinquishment of the appointment, commenced with the reviewing of Guard Turn Out accorded to the outgoing Commandant on his arrival to the venue. The senior officer was received by Brigadier M T K R Silva KSP, Inspector of Training of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Major General W M D S K Gunawardhane RSP KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force received the outgoing Commandant and ushered him to the saluting dais to receive the honours amidst melodies of patriotic songs in the air.

In accordance with the military customs, the senior officer unveiled his portrait marking an indelible chapter in the proud history of the Volunteer Force. As well, the outgoing commandant posed for a group photograph with the staff of the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force leaving impressive recollections of a true leader who rendered a commendable service for the betterment of the establishment and its successors.

Addressing the troops, the outgoing Commandant extended his gratitude for the members of the Volunteer Force who integrated with him in realizing organizational objectives during his assignments of duties.

The senior officer was offered a tea by all ranks and he was awarded with a memento by the Warrant Officers’ and Segments’ Mess of the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force.

The senior officer departed from the Headquarters amidst good-bye cheers of the Officers and Other Ranks who street lined on both sides of the road leading to the Main Gate.

The day’s proceedings reached the culmination with the customary Farewell Dinner hosted to the outgoing Commandant at the Officers' Mess of the Regimental Centre, Sri Lanka Light Infantry. The evening was coloured by the attendance of senior officers and other officers with whom the Chief Guest shared a cheerful moment.

The Deputy Commandant with a gesture of profound appreciation, reminisced the distinguished service extended by the outgoing Commandant to the Volunteer Force. Afterwards, it arose a felicitous moment of presenting the souvenirs. A special gift as a gesture of goodwill was presented to the Chief Guest by the Deputy Commandant in appreciation of his service to this prestigious establishment.

The Chief Guest delivering the farewell speech unfolded his profound sense of feelings and paid his gratitude for the Deputy Commandant and all the members for the good gesture extended to him during the period he served as the Commandant.

The chief guest was accompanied for the formal dinner accustomed and the distinguished gathering joined with him.

Eventually, Major General Channa Weerasuriya placed his signature on the Visitors’ Book leaving an inspiring and indelible chapter as Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.