
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

23rd February 2023 17:18:26 Hours


Coincide with the routine training day programme, the Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force organized a lecture at the Headquarters premises on 23 February 2023 under the auspices of Major General W A S S WANASINGHE RSP VSV USP ndu, Commandant Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

The lecture on Culture, Art, Heritage and Heroism was delivered by lecturer in Archeology Mr. RandunuVidula Zoysa who has sound knowledge in Archeology and Tourism fields. Further, he has served as Assistant Director of National Youth Council in 2022.

The lecture was a moment recalled our memories of cultural fusion of art and architecture in ancient Sri Lanka. He pointed out that the Sigiriya is one of the most important urban planning sites of the first millennium in the world with painted frescoes, water-retaining structures, including sophisticated hydraulic systems which are unimaginative in contemporary world.

Moreover, he reminded ten giants of King Dutugemunuwho exhibited their heroism in various fields to conquer the invaders on account of uniting the country.

Following the lecture, the lecturer was awarded a token of appreciation by the hands of the Deputy Commandant Major General Thusitha Silva KSP for imparting his hard earned knowledge among the troops.

As the final segment of the day, Colonel Training, Colonel K T H Haripriya RSP who is an instrumental in organizing routine training days in order to enhance knowledge,attitudes and skills of troopsat SLAVF was rewarded a memorabilia to mark his retirement from the Sri Lanka Army by the Deputy Commandant Major General Thusitha Silva KSP. Addressing the gathering, the Deputy Commandant appreciated his tremendous service rendered over 32 years to the nation and the organization while extending good wishes for his retirement.

A large gathering of senior officers, officers and other ranks attended the lecture and troops of the volunteer battalions joined the lecture via zoom technology.