
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

04th January 2022 15:22:04 Hours


Heralding the dawn of the New Year 2022, the Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force marked the beginning of the year 2022 along with the inspiration of glory and prosperous for the organization as well as the country. The military formalities customized upon the New Year Celebrations were unfolded presided by Major General C D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Having hoisted the National Flag by the Commandant Major General Channa Weerasuriya and the Flag of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force by Deputy Commandant Major General Christy Jayasinghe, the National Anthem and the Army Song were recited as the flags were on the full swing. Following the two minutes’ silence being observed in memory of the fallen war heroes, the gathering in attendance pledged their allegiance to the State by reading the Government Servants’ Oath before the Commandant. Afterwards, the troops listened to the New Year Message which extended best compliments for the new year – 2022 proclaimed by the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army General LHSC Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil.

Addressing the troops, the Commandant emphasized on securing the dignity and the honour of this prestigious establishment which inherits a true responsibility upon safeguarding this motherland. The Senior Officer precisely denoted the liabilities upon the allegiance to the public in providing a reliable service at every circumstances emerged in the country.

Coincide with the day’s arrangements, an awareness programme for prevention of COVID - 19 was conducted.

The occasion was attended by nominated Senior officers, Other Ranks along with the civil staff.