
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

04th December 2021 00:31:25 Hours


In line with the greenery concept of Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil, Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (SLAVF) launched a mammoth tree planting and tree distribution programme at the Headquarters premises of SLAVF under the direction and guidance of Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force Major General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu and contribution of Deputy Commandant of the SLAVF Major General Christy Jayasinghe KSV KSP together with the ‘Husmak Sitawamu’ Project - Stage 3 of the District 306 A2 Lions Club on 03 December 2021.

Major General Vikum Liyanage as the Chief Guest along with Lion Buddhika Ratnayaka the Governor of District 306 A2 Lions Club and Mr. Nalin Kumara Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Television Network (ITN), inaugurated planting of 1000 saplings of Alphonso mango, jack and kumbuk in the camp premises with the aim of generating funds for the welfare of families of disabled war veterans.

Further, symbolizing the distribution of saplings to other Volunteer Battalions, Lion Buddhika Ratnayaka donated a sapling of Alphonso mango to the Commandant SLAVF.

In parallel with the tree distribution programme, lion members donated computers, stationery and other equipment to the Headquarters Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force for the use of its serving members. Major General Christy Jayasinghe KSV KSP Deputy Commandant of the SLAVF along with other senior officers, officers and some members of District 306 A2 Lions Club were present on the occasion. Colonel Logistics of the Headquarters Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force Colonel Nalindra Mahawithana KSP coordinated the tree distribution programme and donation programme.