
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

29th June 2022 15:13:07 Hours


In view of restoration of the eco-system of the Volunteer Force and transforming the soldiers as green soldiers with the intention of forming a green brigade, the Headquarters of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force took initiatives for planting more than 2000 endemic, indigenous and lessor known fruit saplings in order to implement the green concept at the camp premises on 28 July 2022.

Major General D G S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer who is the instrumental in initiating this programme, kicked off the drive by planting the first ‘Mee’ sapling by symbolizing the programme at 0847 hrs, auspicious time in the SLAVF premises.

Professor Nimal De Silva and Professor M S Manawadu who are excelled their knowledge in architectural field and experts in environmental field, Environmentalists, Mr. Channa Ekanayaka and Mr. Devana Salgado arrived the premises at the invitation of the Commandant, SLAVF and they scrutinized the camp land site and pointed out the most suited places where planting saplings by imparting their theoretical and expertise practical knowledge on restoration of the eco-system and natural water bodies with the aim of giving a new life to the death stream which flowed through the camp premises in past.

Brigadier J A R S K Jayasekara USP psc, Director, Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Brigadier P N Godellawatta USP psc, Principal Staff Officer, All Branch Heads and Other Ranks of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force attended for the programme.