
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

23rd November 2023 16:31:33 Hours


The cease of service was marked by two senior officers of the Volunteer Force in the Sri Lanka Army, and they were felicitated in honour of the active contribution over the past period of time, at the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force on 22 November 2023.

Major General Thusitha Silva KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force awarded the Senior Officers: Colonel MIV Fernando RSP and Colonel SAY Perera a special memento for their commendable service to the Sri Lanka Army on behalf of Major General U D Wijesekera RWP RSP USP rcds psc, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Colonel MIV Fernando served as the Colonel Coordinating Officer at the 68 Infantry Division in Kombamavil prior to retirement. The senior officer enlisted in the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on 27 June 1991 with the Volunteer Intake 15 and he was posted to the Sri Lanka Light Infantry upon commissioning in the rank of Second Lieutenant on 07 December 1991. In the course of his military career, he extended operational and non-operational duties conferred to command and staff appointments. The senior officer was promoted to the rank of Colonel on 29 September 2018, and he retired with effect from 10 November 2023.The senior officer has been adorned with Rana Sura Padakkama (RSP) for his distinguished conduct in the face of the enemy.

Colonel SAY Perera belongs to Sri Lanka National Guard and enlisted in the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on 30 December 1992.The senior officer was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant on 19 June 1993 and performed duties in operational and non-operational areas deliberated to the respective ranks throughout his military career. The senior officer served as a Civil Affairs Officer at the 59 Infantry Division in Keppapilavu as the last career juncture. The senior officer was promoted to the rank of Colonel on 10 October 2023 and he will retire with effect from 27 November 2023.

The exemplary military stance upheld by the senior officers was always to the best interest of the Sri Lanka Army and the sendoff leave a footstep of true officers committed to the sovereignty of this soil.

The Deputy Commandant and the gathering of officers conveyed their best regards on their retirement and wished for every success in their future endeavors.