
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

12th October 2022 15:22:02 Hours

Military Literature“Untold Stories Revealed by Breathing Letters”

The training day of the second week in the month was scheduled on reviewing a contemporary significant aspect, “Military Literature” on the concept of Major General D G S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

The lecture was delivered by Lieutenant Colonel EAA Sujith Chaminda, the Chief Editor of Ranaviruwa Magazine published by the Directorate of Psychological Operations in the Sri Lanka Army, on untold stories which are extremely unexpressive and required to be transformed into letters. The programme was lined up under the supervision of Major General Thusitha Silva KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force on 12 October 2022 at the Multi-Functional Building of the Headquarters in the Volunteer Force.

The lecturer outlined of having an extensive consideration on preserving the breaths of true sons on this soil who shed their blood and perspirations during the war since years are passing fading its priceless moments.

Lieutenant Colonel EAA Sujith Chaminda is a Volunteer Officer groomed by the prestigious Sri Lanka Army and he has marked his identification as a journalist being a source of resource to the establishment. He is an author who has composed remarkable pieces of works based on the Sri Lankan War that would nourish the “Military Literature of the Sri Lanka Army”, and heading through the hidden ventures performed by the worriers on this land. Besides, his classical role he is an orator who could stand for varied assemblies placing the reputation of the establishment distinctive.

He spelled out the true bravery of soldiers and viewed of his compositions which have been carefully woven after comprehensive researches on true phenomena authenticated in honour of combatants who silently delegated their duties and responsibilities as true worriers during the war at climax.

During the session, two pieces of writings recently authored by him were conferred to the Commandant, Deputy Commandant, Inspector of Training, and Colonel of Training of the Volunteer Force.

Addressing the gathering, the Commandant praised his endeavor on addressing untold episodes of the battle which were hidden over thirty years on this soil, for future generations.

A large gathering of Senior Officers and All Ranks attended the lecture.