
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

14th February 2022 12:18:24 Hours


Major General JDCG Jayasinghe KSV KSP, the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force bade farewell to the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, preceding to retirement having rendered nearly 36 years of distinguished service, on 10 February 2022.

A series of formalities observed in connection with the relinquishment of the office as Deputy Commandant commenced with the reviewing of Guard Turn Out and was accorded an elegant Guard of Honour by the troops of Sri Lanka National Guard at the parade ground of the Headquarters, Volunteer Force. On his arrival to the camp premises, the senior officer was received by Brigadier SN Samarawickrama KSP, the Inspector of Training, Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Addressing the troops, the outgoing Deputy Commandant extended his sincere gratitude for all the officers and his staff who were under command to him for their accountability, assistance and co-operation in performing duties and responsibilities to carry out his obligations in various phases of his military career.

The day’s proceedings reached the culmination with the customary Farewell Dinner hosted to the outgoing Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force at Officers’ Mess, Sri Lanka Engineers on the same day.

The evening was gleamed by the gracious presence of Major General C D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, and the Senior Officers and their ladies attended the occasion.