
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

30th August 2023 10:03:51 Hours


In facilitating and reinforcing the smooth drive of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force Training School (VFTS), the utmost training establishment of the Volunteer Force which crowns its diligence and composed stance as the forerunner who nourishes the spirits of volunteering, Major General D M K D B Pussella RWP RSP, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (SLAVF) made a formal visit to the Volunteer Force Training School on 28th August 2023.

The Commandant - SLAVF was warmly received by Colonel JAJ Jayaratne KSP, the Commandant- VFTS on his arrival to the camp premises and a Guard Turnout was accorded by the troops of the training school in accordance with the customary military formalities. The occasion was followed by planting of a sapling marking his visit to the training school as the 52 nd successor in the office of the Commandant of the Volunteer Force.

A supportive discussion presided by the Commandant- SLAVF was taken place on administration and training of the training school with a comprehensive narration made by the Commandant- VFTS.

Performing under varied contexts on the acquired knowledge and skills defines its effective implication of the education. As such, the Commandant could witness few demonstrations lined up under the respective disciplines of studies presented by the trainees of the Administrative Assistance Course and the Functional English Course for Other Ranks which conveyed the qualitative conduct of the study programmes.

In the wake of moment of bliss over successful performances of its trainees on the stage, the Commandant awarded the certificates of National Vocational Qualification Level 3 & 4 for the designated accomplishers of the Administrative Assistance Course No. 88, 89 & 90. The troop address which derived the significance of the visit was attained with an inspirational address based on the discipline and leadership that moulded the military career to its pinnacle. The Commandant extended his extreme pleasure for the fruitful endeavours achieved and expressed his good gracious and fullest collaboration on future achievements of the training school.

The occasion was witnessed by a large gathering which included Senior Officers, Officers and Staff of the Training School and the Headquarters of the Volunteer Force.