
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

17th May 2021 17:42:09 Hours


Scaffolding the structural organization and directing to an enlightened force which is compatible with the advanced array of streams for awaiting years ahead and being the pioneer in identifying such requirement of the Sri Lanka Army, Direct Enlisted Officer Cadet Course – 9 (1) and Professional Officers’ Basic Orientation Course – 10 were successfully accomplished under the purview of the Commandant Major General K N S Kotuwegoda ndc IG of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (SLAVF) at the Volunteer Force Training School (VFTS), Diyatalawa, the utmost establishment where the training process is carried out for the members of the Volunteer Force.

Upon the completion of the training courses, Major General Sampath Kotuwegoda addressed the newly passed out officers on 13 May 2021 at the Headquarters of the SLAVF. As such, addressing the gathering he emphasized on prevailing circumstances where need immediate adjustment of conduct and organizational adaptation of officers who are enlisted during their mature phases of life. Further, he mentioned that officers who are under Direct Enlisted scheme and Professional category do not acclimatize with the culture and norms embedded in the Sri Lanka Army which have been proven through centuries. Moreover, he viewed on their alignment to the profession, being military personnel nourished with loyalty and integrity which develops a conducive working phenomenon in the organization. Therefore, adapting to a novel transformation is expected by every single existence in the establishment besides ruining its values and customs. Thus, the Commandant, extended his gratefulness and bade appreciation to the Commandant of the VFTS Colonel HA Keerthinatha RSP KSP psc for the successful completion of the course amidst the adverse influence of this health issue.

The Commandant of the VFTS, who plays a key role in completing the training programme, made a comprehensive introduction of the training process that was underwent by the trainees and it is praiseworthy to mention the role and task of the VFTS in conducting training courses enhanced with qualitative standards.

Deputy Commandant, Principal Staff Officer, Inspector of Training, Brigadier Administration, Brigadier Logistics, Colonel Military Secretary (Volunteer), Recruiting Officer and Senior Officers who represented the HQ SLAVF and VFTS attended the occasion.

The programme was conducted following the health directives issued for COVID -19 pandemic of the country.