
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

11th January 2024 12:55:41 Hours


A formal address presided by Major General MK Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu - Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force tothe Offices of Command,took place via zoom technology with virtual and physical participation of nominated officers at the Conference Hall on 08 January 2023.

The event was attended by Brigadier Coordinating Officers, Centre Commandant – Sri Lanka National Guard, Commandant – Volunteer Force Training School, Colonel Coordinating Officers,Coordinating Officers of the Coordinating Office - Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps and Sri Lanka Rifle Corps, Commanding Officers of the Volunteer Battalions and Senior Officers of the Headquarters Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.

Viewing the opening remarks, the Commandant underlined the strength and the feasibilities of the fundamental appointments gathered on the occasion that drive for the expected objectives of conducting the meeting.

The sequence of the session was spelled out especially emphasizing on the training that is the utmost aspect of the military career, to be carried out based on a rewarding system for officers and other ranks who are undoubtedly encouraged and benefited in greater extent. In particular, promotion of officers and other ranks and selection for Passed Staff College and Logistics School that are required special consideration were specifically focused during the session. The prevention of drug addiction and the discipline on the use of the Digital Media were expected to be thoroughly adhered as underpinned by the Commandant. With the aim of accelerating ongoing constructions and fulfilling other requirements of the Volunteer Force, a fund raising project was introduced that generates probable reimbursements for the entire establishment.

Warming the notions of the gathering, the opportunity was created to bring out the matters pertaining to Volunteer Battalions and their troops on administration seeking for solutions through dialogues.

The meeting was attended by Major General Thusitha Silva KSP - Deputy Commandant, Brigadier M M Salwatura RWP RSP USP - Principal Staff Officer, Senior Officers in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and above of the Headquarters Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force.