
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

10th June 2020 09:04:34 Hours


Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force is awakening with a high profile construction project and the entire locality of the camp premises has taken a remarkable change under the purview of the Commandant SLAVF Major General H J S Gunawardena RSP VSV USP ndc psc. Identifying the main concerns of the HQ SLAVF, the Commandant initiated a development plan and accomplished the aligned tasks which were structured in 2020 and laid the foundation for the strategic approaches for the coming years.

Adding a fresh reinforcement for the ongoing development process of the camp premises, at the invitation of the Commandant SLAVF, the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army visited the SLAVF to witness the constructions which are in progress. The Commandant, Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force Major General Jagath Gunawardena extended an honourary reception to the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General L H S C Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc on his arrival at the Headquarters on 29 May 2020. On his arrival, the senior officer was extended a Drive Pass Honour and ushered to the Headquarters.

Afterwards, the Commander laid the foundation stone for Utility Centre and Headquarters Battalion Complex which consists of an important element; the Honour Hall of the SLAVF. In rekindling the aspirations of the SLAVF members, the initiative was taken to establish an Honour Hall which is a long overdue of the historic organization with over 139 years. On completion of this project, the SLAVF shall facilitate the future generation to witness the past pride of the organization.

Adjoining with the next event of the programme, the Commander declared open the Main Pavilion of “Rendezvous Ground” – Seethawaka. The Main Pavilion which serves multiple functions will facilitate training facility including the training of emerging athletes in the organization and the country to be prepared for local and international achievements.

Also, the Accommodation of the Other Ranks which was a dare necessity for the soldiers of the HQ SLAVF declared open by the Chief Guest.

During the day’s itinerary, the CDS and Commander of the Army was fortunate to witness the future plans of the SLAVF under the title; “SLAVF Beyond 2020”. Under the directions of Commandant SLAVF, a study has been conducted obtaining views, ideas and proposals from Officers and Other Ranks of the SLAVF for the development of “SLAVF Beyond 2020”. Accordingly, multiple approaches to develop the organization have been identified and forwarded to the Chief Guest at the discussion attended by all PSOs and Directors of the Army at the Conference Hall of the HQ SLAVF.

Main concerns for the development of “SLAVF Beyond 2020” are;

  • Training Concept to Support to Role and Task
  • Policies and Regulation Amendments
  • Organizational and Structural Development
  • Headquarters Complex Development
  • Cadre Enhancement and Career Development
  • Employing the Strategy Enhancement and Value Expansion and Image Building

Subsequently, the Chief Guest addressed the troops and appreciated the Commandant and all ranks of the SLAVF for the expedited development programme initiated for the future development of the SLAVF. Further, the Commander highlighted the significance of prevention of the “COVID 19” pandemic from the country.

Senior Officers including Chief Field Engineer, Director General General Staff, Quarter Master General, Commander Security Force Headquarters (West), Adjutant General, Master General Ordnance, Logistics Commander, Director Training, Deputy Commandant SLAVF, Senior Officers and the staff members of HQ SLAVF attended the ceremony.

The programme of the day was underway following the health directives which have been issued for “COVID 19” pandemic of the country.