
Sri Lanka Army Service Corps

Serve with Dignity


05th January 2024 11:34:18 Hours

The 5th Sri Lanka Army Service Corps marked its Silver Jubilee Anniversary

The 5th Sri Lanka Army Service Corps marked its Silver Jubilee Anniversary by giving prominence to multi religious observances on 7th and 8th December 2023. Troops arranged a bodi puja pinkama at the camp premises and attended programs at Uduvil Sri Sivagnana Pillayar Hindu Kovil and St. Mary’s Church at Ottapuram prior to the anniversary day and participated in religious observances. On the anniversary day (10th December 2023), in accordance with military traditions, a ceremonial Guard Turnout and a Guard of Honour were presented to the Commanding Officer of 5th SLASC, Major ERS De Silva Lsc on his arrival at the camp premises. After a while, the Commanding Officer customarily addressed the troops and joined an All Rank lunch. Moreover, a musical show headed by the Commanding Officer brought the Corps Day ceremony to culmination on 11th December 2023.