
Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps

Faithful in Distress

03rd January 2023 14:49:12 Hours

SLAMC Seva Vanitha branch entertain the Army Hospital with Christmas Carols

With the coordination of Directorate of Management and Maintenance and Army hospital-Colombo, Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps Seva Vanitha branch organized Christmas carols concert on 2022/12/15 at Auditorium of Army hospital –Colombo.

President of the Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps Seva Vanitha branch, Dr Nilmini Fernando, Director General health services and the Colonel Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps, Brig PAC Fernando USP, the Director of Management and Maintenance, Brig JP withanarachchi RWP USP and the Director of army Hospital, Col SLS Kumarage participated to the event as chief guests.