
Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps

Faithful in Distress

05th February 2018 15:23:26 Hours


RHQ SLAMC, Werahera stepped in to a new chapter in the history of Medical Corps at the dawn of its 28th year by declare opening a new office building complex on the 15 January 2018. Further, on the very day the 28th anniversary of the Regiment of SLAMC was celebrated.

Maj Gen SH Munasinghe RWP RSP USP Director General Army Health Services and Colonel Commandant SLAMC grace the occasion as the chief guest together with former Col Comdts Maj Gen KDP Perera USP (Rtd), Maj Gen WGMUR Perera USP (Rtd).

The Centre Comdt Brig WMJRK Senarathne RWP RSP warmly received the Colonel Comdtand accompanied him to the venue.

The Col Comdt was honoured with a guard turnout which was followed by a guard of honour given by the troops of SLAMC. Subsequently, Col Comdt Maj Gen SH Munasinghe was invited to unveil a monumental plaque and declare open the new building complex by splitting the symbolic ribbon apart. At the end Chanting of Pirith by Maha Sanga followed suit to bless for success and prosperity.

The mango tree was planted by the Col Comdt inside the RHQ premises to mark this event memorable.

WO I SJMK Senavirathne, RSM RHQ SLAMC invited the Senior Offrs for the tea organized by WOs' and Sgts' Mess.

Scholarships were Offred to five studentsof SLAMC members by the SLAMC SevaVanitha unit under the guidance of Brig DTN Munasinghe USP , Colonel Commandant SLAWC and president of Seva Vanitha branch of SLAMC.

An overnight Pirith chanting was held in the new building complex and Heeldanaya for 28 monks was offered with the presence of family members of fallen SLAMC war heroes and differently able soldiers,Snr officers, Officers and other rankers were participated for the programme.