
Security Force Headquarters

22nd December 2018 23:54:37 Hours


The Task Force 5 was raised on 15th December 2008 and it was renamed as 65 Division on 18 September 2009. Presently division headquarters located at Alankulam- Thunukkai and at present three Brigades namely 651, 652 and 653 with six Infantry Battalions are under command to the Division. The present General Officer Commanding is Brigadier Wasantha Kumarapperuma.

The Division celebrated 10th Anniversary on 15 December 2018 under the direction of present General Officer Commanding. The division presented a Guard Turnout and an inspection parade to the General Officer Commanding followed all Ranks Tea Party, Officers’ Mess get-together and Sergeant Mess get-together, and an all ranks Musical Night. Further, Division also organized a series of Cricket and Volleyball tournament among the branches to celebrate the 10th anniversary. The construction of the perimeter wall of the Thunnukkai Government Tamil Central College was completed along with the 10th Anniversary as a community assistance programme to extend goodwill gesture to the civil community in Thunukkai.