
Security Force Headquarters

07th October 2018 13:40:04 Hours


Headquarters 66 Infantry Division has organized a Calypso and Drama competition on Thursday, 04 October 2018 under the guidance of Brigadier Deepthi Jayathilake, General Officer Commanding - 66 Division with the participation of available Calypso teams in 66 Infantry Division AOR. The main intention of the event was to encourage the respective performers by giving an opportunity to show off their talent through a competitive environment and thereby to groom them to face for future competitions in that nature.

Troops staged few dramas on educative themeson common social issues, such as drugs and alcoholaddiction, Family issues with related to Social media and unlawful affairs etc…. Out of the Five Calypso teems of under command Battalions who competed for the title of Best Calypso Team of 66 Infantry Division, 24thVijayabahu Infantry Regiment Calypso team became the champions.

A panel of Judges including Warrant Officer TMIJ Bandara and Corporal RJ Jayasinghe from Directorate of Army Bands and Performing Arts were present and shared their experience, views, pros and cons of performers during the reveal of results at the end.

Brigadier Deepthi Jayathilake, General Officer Commanding - 66 Infantry Division graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Brigade Commanders of 661 and 662Bdes, Commanding Officers of under command Battalionsand a large gathering of troops were associated with the event enthusiastically.