
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:06 Hours


As per the concept of Commander Security Forces Kilinochchi Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana USP ndc and with the direct supervision of General Officer Commanding Major General Jagath Gunawardhana RSP USP ndc psc, Troops under 57 Division extended their community assistance project; launching a Shramadhana Campaign at Uruthirapuram Arowanam Boys Home in Kilinochchi recently.\r\n\r\nThere are 20 orphan Boys are accommodated at the said Boys home after losing their parents or guardians. After Identification of necessity of launching a Shramadhana Campaign; General Officer Commanding 57 Division has instructed to Commanding Officer of 7 Sri Lanka Light Infantry to launch a shramadana activity at said location. \r\n \r\nThree officers and sixty Other Ranks of 7 Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment participated for aforesaid Shramadana program on 15 December 2017 from 0900 hrs to 1500 hrs. Commander 571 Brigade Colonel Ajith Kolambathanthri RWP RSP USP psc IG in personally be present at to the said location and instructed to the Commanding Officer 7 Sri Lanka Light Infantry Lieutenant Colonel Indika Gunawardhana RSP psc to execute the programme. \r\n\r\nAt the end of the Shramadana campaign, the authority of Arowanam Boys Home and its accommodated 20 boys praised assistance of the troops and paid their heartiest thankfulness to the Commander Security Forces and General Officer Commanding 57 Division for guiding the under command troops for such harmonize programme.