
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:01 Hours


Deepavali signifies the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and renewal of life. This is marked by the lighting of lamps, candles and oil lamp by the womenfolk in the family. The light and colour add to the celebrations. It is the day to worship light and dispel darkness from the mind. The Deepavali festival is associated with wealth and prosperity in many ways. Collaboration with Hindu devotee, troops of 65 Division celebrated Dipavali Festival on 18 October 2017 displaying the religious harmony in Kilinochchi.\r\n\r\nTroops under 651,652 and 653 Brigades organized many religious ceremonies and poojas at the Kovil premises of respective area with Hindu devotees. At the end of the Poojas, refreshments and vegetarian food packets were distributed by troops among Hindu devotees. All the priests appreciated the service provided by troops of Sri Lanka Army and invoked the bless to soldiers. \r\n