
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:01 Hours


The inaugural ceremony of the Religious Amity Regional Symposium for religious harmony for peace and prosperity is organized by Caritas Sri Lanka SEDEC on 12th and 13th Oct 17 at St Theresa’s Pastoral centre Kilinochchi. \r\n\r\nWith the direction of General Officer Commanding - 57 Division Major General Jagath Gunawardena, “Sramadana” campaign was conducted to clean the premises of St Theresa’s Pastoral centre by troops of 7 Battalion of Sri Lanka Light Infantry, 9 Battlion of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, 16(V) Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry and 17(V) Gajaba Regiment.\r\n\r\nAlms Giving was arranged for Buddisht monks those who participate for Symposium for religious harmony for peace and prosperity at Officers Mess 57 Divison by 16(V) battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry with the supervision of General Officer Commanding 57 Division. \r\n\r\nFor the event General Officer Commanding 57 Div, Brigadier General Staff and Brigadier Admin and Quartering Security Forces Headqaurters (Kilinochchi), Commander 571 Brigade, Colonel General Staff and Colonel Aadmin and Quartering of 57 Division, Commanding Officer of 9 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, 16 (V) battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry and other senoir officersrs of 57 Division also participated for the said event.