
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:01 Hours


Vap Pinkama is performed during the period from Vap Full Moon Day to Ill Full Moon Day. The most important event is the Katina Pinkama, or offering of robes to the Maha Sangha. The annual Katina Pinkama of the Sri Sugatha Viharaya in Mankulam was elegantly held on 06 and 07 October 2017 with the supervision of Major General H J S Gunawardena RSP USP ndc psc General Officer Commanding - 57 Division and Colonel Chandana Somaweera RWP RSP USP, Commander - 574 Brigade. \r\n\r\n574 Brigade with under command battalions conducted Bodhi Pooja Pinkama in the temple premises marking the commencement of the religious activities on 06 October. The “Katina Cheevaraya”, offered to the resident monks on the conclusion. It was taken to the temple in a colourful procession and was on displayed for the devotees to worship on 07 October morning. The overall religious activities conducted by the guidance of the Chief Incumbent of the Sri Sugatha Viharaya Ven. Higurankande Sumana Thera.\r\n\r\nThe Chief Incumbent of the Madukanda Sri Dalada Viharaya Ven. Muwatagama Ananda Thera, along with other residential and invited monks gathered to the temple premises to commence the event. Further, Ven. Muwatagama Ananda Thera briefly preached the significance of the ‘Katina Pooja’ and importance and the value of participating in such events. Subsequently, an important incident led to Katina Pooja or offering of robes to monks who had completed vas season sojourn as per the invitation of devotees. As next, devotees were led by General Officer Commanding - 57 Division for Sanghika Dana was offered to Maha Sangha who were present for this once a year great meritorious event. \r\n\r\nAll the financial assistance and alms giving were conducted by devotees of Sarasvathi Cultural Centre – Pannipitiya. Senior Military Officers, Officers and Other Ranks were also present at the meritorious event conducted by the 57 Division as a continuation of its assistance to the Mankulam temple.